End of the Road. All relationships will end at some point- no matter what. Whether it's a breakup, a divorce, or because of death, it will happen. Sad, but true. Enjoy love while you have it. Stop taking it (and the person you love) for granted.
I Will Survive. No breakup will EVER kill you- now, it might hurt like hell and feel like you're dying a slow, excruciating death, but it will not take your life. No one has ever been known to die from a "broken heart."
Thank You, Next. You cannot make someone love you, and you shouldn't want to either.
Want You To Want Me. People make time for those they love; they show up for those they care about; you will know if you are the priority in someone's life. If not- move on. Life is too fucking short to waste time or energy on someone who doesn't choose you first.
Love Is A Battlefield. Fighting, yelling, and name-calling are not how you show love. The silent treatment and stonewalling, either. Just because they say, "I love you" after a fight doesn't mean they love you. Truthfully, They probably don't.
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